Steroid Emergency Cards
According to national guidance from the NHS, patients on certain regular steroids (some tablets and high-dose inhalers) are eligible for a Steroid Emergency Card. This is for patients to carry around with them, and can help healthcare staff identify and provide information on emergency treatment if required e.g. if acutely unwell with fever or surgery.

These Steroid Emergency Cards are different to the blue Steroid Treatment cards and patients may require either card or both depending on their condition and their specific steroid dose. If you have lost or misplaced your Steroid Emergency card, you can print one out at
Please note, the Steroid Emergency card does not apply to all patients on current steroid therapy, the surgery will be contacting those patients that would be eligible. This card may be necessary for patients who have had a number of short courses of steroids or those that have recently stopped taking steroids after long-term treatment. If unsure, please speak to your local community pharmacist or one of the practice pharmacists for further clarification.