Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
The NHS AAA Screening Programme will invite all men for screening during the year they turn 65. Men over 65 who have not previously been diagnosed with an aneurysm can request a scan by contacting their local programme directly on 01243 831503.
Breast Screening
Breast screening is performed on women from 50-70 years of age, every three years and patients will automatically be invited by the West Sussex Breast Screening Service to attend at the local screening unit.
The results are sent directly to the patient and to the Practice. Mammograms are available to women over 70 on request.
Patients can also self refer to breast screening units, however if they have any worrying symptoms, to speak to a GP in the first instance.
For further information please click on https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/breast-cancer-screening/faqs/
Bowel Screening
The Bowel Cancer Screening Programme offers screening every two years to all men and women aged 60 to 69.
Patients that are eligible for screening will receive an invitation letter and kit with step-by-step instructions for completing the test at home and sending the samples to the hub laboratory.
The test will then be processed and the results letter will be sent to the patient and their GP.
For any enquiries, please contact 0800 707 60 60.
We strongly encourage patients to take part in this valuable, free, screening service.
Cervical Screening
The Cervical Screening Programme offers a cervical smear to all women aged between 25 and 64 years of age.
This screening test is to detect abnormalities in the cells of the cervix then means these can be monitored and treated if required to prevent them becoming cervical cancer.
Women aged 24-49 years will be invited every 3 years. Women aged 50-64 years will be invited every 5 years.
You will receive a letter in the post when your smear is due. You can then book in with the practice nurses who will take your smear and then you will receive your results in the post.
For further information regarding this screening programme please click here.