Why fees are charged for some services
GPs are self-employed and have to cover the costs of running the GP Practice just like any other business. For example, they need to pay staff, heating and lighting costs and also invest in developing the services and facilities provided.
Time spent by GPs completing private reports and undertaking private medical examinations are generally done outside of normal contracted working hours as an extra commitment to a GPs workload.
The fees charged for non-NHS services go towards covering the costs of running and investing in our Practice to provide the wide range of services patients require.
What type of service is non-NHS and who pays the fees
(Where information is requested from third parties, this will of course not be released without prior consent by the patient).
A full list of all fees and charges is included below but some examples would be:
– Services for which a fee is payable by patients are:
— employment, HGV, and taxi driver medical examinations
— accident and sickness certificates for insurance purposes
— school fee and holiday insurance certificates
— reports for health clubs to certify patients are fit to exercise
– Services for which a fee is payable by other authorities are:
— copies of medical records for solicitors and insurance companies
— life assurance and income protection reports for insurance companies
— reports for the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP
— medical reports for local authorities in connection with adoption and fostering
Patients should note that not all documents need the signature of a doctor, for example passport applications, where you can ask another person in a position of trust to sign such documents free of charge.
Similarly, not all forms needs to be completed or signed by a doctor, for example Bus Pass and Blue Badge forms – these can be completed and submitted by patients themselves and only if the application was refused might the patient want to ask the doctor to provide additional information to support their application.
How long it takes for private non-NHS forms etc to be completed
The patient may feel that they only require a doctor’s signature on a form which should not take long, but a condition of remaining on the Medical Register is that a doctor only signs what they know to be true. They therefore may need to check the patient’s entire medical record to avoid serious consequences for the doctor with the General Medical Council (GMC).
The waiting time for non-NHS work and services completed outside normal working hours is therefore likely to be affected by this. Patients are advised that any documentation to be completed by a doctor may, in general, take approximately 10 to 14 working days (dependent upon the availability of the doctor concerned and any factors such as annual leave, sickness, etc)
How fees are determined
The British Medical Association (BMA) provides guidance on a range of fees, include the fee for medical insurance reports which it has agreed with the Association of British Insurers (ABI) and DVLA fees which it has agreed with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). Their suggested fees are for guidance only, and are not recommendations, and doctors are not obliged to charge the rates which they suggest.
Our list of charges reflects the BMA suggested fees for some services. It is at the discretion of individual doctors whether, under certain circumstances, they agree to waive a payable fee.
What are the fees for non-NHS services
- Payment for services can be made by debit card and bank transfer.
- We prefer not to take cash or cheque although can in exceptional circumstances.
- If a service you require is not on our list please enquire at Reception and we will look into whether this can be provided and what the fee would be.
- Our list of fees will be reviewed and updated annually.
- We do require payment before the certificate/report is released to you.
Private Certificates
Private prescriptions £30.00
Private sick note £30.00
Fit to attend/perform £30.00
Driving licence forms £30.00
Holiday cancellation £35.00
Pre-marital health £30.00
Shotgun certificate £30.00
PPP forms £30.00
Other short forms & certificates £30.00
Fitness to travel without examination £35.00
Fitness to travel with examination £60.00
Elderly Fitness to drive £35.00
Blue Badge schemes – examination & report £60.00
Blue Badge Scheme – report only £35.00
Private Medicals
Insurance without examination £120.00
Insurance with examination £150.00
Pre-employment £130.00
Racing driver, Hang-gliding etc.. £95.00
Occupational health report £95.00
Employer medical (long term sickness) £45.00
HGV/PSV/LGV £120.00
Emigration £95.00
Hackney Carriage £100.00
Adoption medical – adult £120.00
Adoption medical – child £60-00 – £100.00
Private Legal Reports
Private & overseas visitors* home visit £80.00 per 30 mins
Private & overseas visitors* consultation in Practice £40.00 per 10 mins
Private & overseas visitors* consultation with nurse £35.00 per 10 mins
Accidents litigation, General Practice opinion £40.00 per 10 mins
Witness power of attorney £70.00
Power of attorney exam and certificate £120.00
Private legal report only £150.00 per hour
Private legal report and examination (minimum charge £130) £260 per hour
Examination of private records £35.00 plus P&P
Ofsted/CQC etc reports £25.00
Non-urgent advice: *Duty to provide emergency and immediately necessary treatment
Practices have a contractual duty to provide emergency treatment and immediately necessary treatment free of charge for up to 14 days.
There is no definition of immediately necessary treatment in primary medical services contract regulations. However, in relation to people who are visiting or not a resident in England, it should be viewed as including treatment of new conditions and also pre-existing conditions that have become exacerbated during the period of a person’s stay in England, subject to the contractor’s clinical judgement.