We are fortunate enough to have an excellent Midwifery service based at both Cuckfield and The Vale Practice run by our community midwifes Suzanne and Amy. The clinics are every Tuesday and Thursday.
For any urgent queries related to pregnancy our Community Midwife may also be contacted via the Princess Royal Hospital telephone number 01444 441881 Ext. 8414.
Self referral to access maternity care
PATIENTS SHOULD REGISTER THEIR PREGNANCY ON: https://www.uhsussex.nhs.uk/services/maternity/pregnancy/book/
Telephone number 01444 448608
It is important that you self refer via this website from 6 weeks of pregnancy and should make your initial maternity booking appointment for 8 weeks with the midwife.
Your scan will be generated from your self referral appointment so please ensure this is undertaken prior to you booking appointment with the midwife. It will also ask you to print out and fill in a number of forms to take with you to the initial appointment.
If you have any queries/concerns then don’t hesitate to contact reception who may be able to advise you or will pass additional queries on to our midwives otherwise as above you can contact the community midwifery team at the hospital.