If a clinician has referred you for ongoing investigation or care you can make direct contact with the care provider for an update by calling the appropriate number listed below. Please do not ask the reception staff to chase on your behalf unless you have been referred under the 2 week rule (and have been waiting for longer than 2 weeks) or are unable to make contact yourself.
If you have asked for a private referral from your GP please be advised that it will take approx. 5 working days. Please do not book your appointment until your referral has been sent to the appropriate provider.
- To contact any referrals made to BSUH (Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals) – Royal Sussex County Hospital (Brighton) or Princess Royal Hospital (Haywards Heath) please phone 03003038360 to liaise directly with their booking centre.
List of care providers locally whom we regularly refer to:
CAMHS, Child and Adolescent Mental Health – 01444 248901
Crawley Hospital – 01293 600300
CRI – Drugs, Alcohol and Homeless Support, Brighton – 0300 303 8677
East Surrey Hospital (ESH), Redhill – 01737 768511
Gatwick Park Hospital (Spire) – 01293 785511
Healogics Wound Care Service – 01403 334332
Kleinwort Intermediate Care, Haywards Heath – 01444 445600
Langley Green Hospital – 01293 590400
Lewes Victoria Hospital – 01273 474153
Linwood – 0300 304 0052
MSK – 0300 303 8063
Nuffield Hospital, Haywards Heath – 01444 456999
Park Centre (breast care) – 01273 664773
Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) , Haywards Heath – 01444 441881
Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead – 01342 410210
Royal Sussex County Hospital (RSCH), Brighton – 01273 696955
Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital (RACH), Brighton – 01273 696995
Sussex Community Dermatology Service – 01903 703270
Sussex Eye Hospital, Brighton – 01273 696955
St. Catherines Hospice – 01293 447333
St. Peter and St James Hospice – 01444 471598
Ultrasound – Diagnostic World – 01329 552440
Ultrasound – Physiological Measurements – 01691 676496
West Sussex Breast Screening – 01903 239757
Non-urgent advice:
It can be a worrying time waiting for appointments and understandably you wish to be seen as soon as possible to discuss your ongoing health concerns.
Appointment letters are reviewed by the specialist teams, once they have received the referral, and are often then placed in an order of priority for future appointments. We understand at times that this can be frustrating as it may mean you are waiting longer than you anticipate to be seen. We are not always aware of the length of waiting times to be seen and thus cannot always tell you this at the time a referral is made.
If you have been referred on a ‘2 week wait’ referral pathway then you will definitely receive an appointment within 2 weeks. If you have not heard 10 days after your appointment with the health professional then please contact the surgery and we will review this for you. (You will be informed if it is a 2 week referral at the time.)
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
If you have a question regarding a referral, our advice is to contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and discuss the matter with them. They have direct access to NHS Hospital Services and can act on your behalf.
Royal Sussex County Hospital: 01273 664511 or 01273 664973. Princess Royal Hospital: 01444 448678
PALS, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, BN2 5BE