We are a two-branch practice across Cuckfield Village and Haywards Heath, with 3 partners and 4 salaried GPs looking after approx. 12,700 patients.
We are committed to excellent quality family medicine while being actively involved in new initiatives to improve patient care. Our aims are to serve the whole person and provide individual, curative and preventative care as well as health care in the community. We have been a training practice for over 25 years and frequently have trainee GPs undertaking their placements with us.
We have 2 purpose built premises at Cuckfield Medical Practice and The Vale Surgery, but these are run together as a single service with one computer system.
- At the The Vale Surgery there is a pharmacy for patients’ convenience, while Sussex Partnership Trust run MSK clinics on the second floor and are a separate service.
- All clinical and non-clinical staff rotate to both sites, so you may be offered appointments at either site.
Our management team comprises of our Practice Manager, the Partners, Operations manager and our Nursing and reception Managers supported by our management administrator and practice coordinator.
Our practice mission is to provide holistic health care to our registered population to the highest standard of current practice and comply with all statutory guidance.
Our Practice Charter
Cuckfield Medical Practice aims to provide holistic health care to our registered population to the highest standard of current practice and comply with all statutory guidance.
Our aims are to serve the whole person and provide individual, curative and preventative care as well as health care in the community. We aim to see patients as soon as possible.
– Please remember there may be times when a Doctor has to attend an emergency or may need to give additional time in surgery to a patient because of the nature of the problem presented. If this should happen, an explanation will be available from the Receptionist.
Our aim is for our patients to be well informed and feel involved with the Practice. We have a Patient Participation Group (PPG), which represent our patients and provide a link with our Practice.
Proactively promote healthy living through holistic health care, participation in NHS Health Checks, Weight Reduction and Smoking Cessation Clinics.
Manage chronic diseases by working with the patient to produce a management plan and monitor progress through regular review.
Manage acute medical emergencies through prompt recognition of signs and symptoms and ensure safe care at all times.
Reduce teenage pregnancy rate and unwanted pregnancy through actively promoting Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) ie coil, and employing a dedicated Family Planning Nurse and Specialist GP.
Engage in practice which reduces referrals and unnecessary care by maintaining GPs with Special Interest (GPwSI) skills, employing those skills for our own patient population and ensuring annual appraisal and re-accreditation.
Promote self development in staff team to enhance skills.
Facilitate team education and co-operation to ensure high standards.
Work co-operatively with the wider community team to ensure confidential and effective communication in all aspects of care.
Identify vulnerable groups such as patients with dementia or learning disabilities and actively engage that group through dedicated, trained staff members.